The warm, wet weather of spring and summer often brings a special type of termite out of the colony in Knoxville. Mature “swarmers” leave the nest when the colony reaches a particular size. These termites are often mistaken for ants with wings but are vital in detecting a termite infestation on your property.
Here are some facts about termite swarms to help you protect your home:
Up close, ants with wings and swarming termites look very different. Perhaps the easiest way to spot the difference is knowing that swarming termites are usually only ¼ inch long, which is smaller than ants with wings. Up close, termites seem to have two body sections and straight antennae while ants with wings have three body parts and bent antennae. Knowing these differences can be helpful when calling a pest professional in Knoxville.
Check cracks, crevices and sources of light.
These are hotspots for termites during a swarm, but not common places to find ants with wings. If you have a termite infestation in your home, termite swarms will attempt to escape through cracks in your foundation or walls. If you miss the swarm itself, be sure to check these areas for discarded wings, as these are typical evidence of a swarm.
Swarming termites are also drawn to sources of light, unlike ants with wings. Check near windows and lights for swarms or discarded wings.
Different types of termites live in different areas.
Only subterranean termites can be found in Knoxville. These kinds of termites produce huge swarms that occur in the spring. Most of these termites swarm in the daytime, making them easier for homeowners to spot.
Whether your Knoxville home is plagued with swarming termites or ants with wings, be sure to call Johnson Pest Control at the first sign of a pest problem.
Ants with Wings? Could be a Termite Swarm! in Sevierville TN
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