We found these bed bug tips from Dr. Tedd Mitchell of Texas Tech University to be particular helpful for the winter months.
Bed Bug Tips
Check your bed frequently. Look for the small reddish-brown bugs with a flashlight at night. Newly hatched bugs are smaller than a stitch hole and may not be seen with the naked eye. However, adult bed bugs can grow to the size of an apple seed.
Travel smart. According to a study by the University of Kentucky, nearly 100 percent of hotels and motels will have a problem with bed bugs at one time or another. Check for bed bugs before you take your clothes out of your luggage and go to sleep. When you get home after a trip, wash all of your laundry from traveling immediately with warm water, and do not mix it with the rest of your laundry.
Remove clutter. Experts believe that the majority of infestations originate because the home is messy. It is important to wash laundry and not let it pile up on the floor, put on fresh bedding regularly and remove barriers from upholstered furniture that may leave it unused for long periods of time.
Winter is not the prime season for bed bugs, but it is a great time to take steps to prevent future infestations in the warmer months. Resolve to remove clutter and clean furniture and bedding now. If you suspect you have a problem, call an expert immediately or the infestation may get worse. For maintaining good health, I’m Dr. Tedd Mitchell.
Bed Bug Tips in Sevierville TN
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