There are a lot of companies out there that will charge you a lot of money to kill bed bugs that have invaded your home or workplace. Often they do only half the job and you will continue to have problems with bed bugs. So what should you know about how to kill bed bugs?
Three Things To Know How To Kill Bed Bugs
1. You need to know that you have bed bugs before you can kill them. A visual inspection will generally yield results if the infestation is gotten to a critical point already. You want to inspect the mattress folds, box spring, and headboard to see if you can identify any bugs or remnants of bed bugs. You would likely see feces or blood spots on the mattress. If you cannot find anything then invest in what our industry calls bed bug monitors. You can buy all types of these monitors. Bed bug monitors can be as simple as plastic bowls (they usually have a composition that makes them slippery for the bugs so do not think you can get away with Gladware) which you place underneath your bed posts and under the bed. These monitors will capture some bed bugs which will indicate whether or not you have an infestation. If the monitors do not show any account of bed bugsย yet you feel they are present then it is certainly time to call for a professional inspection.
2. Bed bugs will stay close to their food source (you, maybe a pet) so you will want to concentrate any treatment efforts on the small areas where they are feeding. In the cases of massive infestations, you can find bed bugs on curtains and other furniture, but those are not the norm. Chemicals designed to kill bed bugs can be used but do not pick up consumer grade bug killers from the general store and expect that to work. If you decide to use a chemical treatment follow the directions for use exactly and be beyond thorough in treating the infested area. If a single bed bug were to be left behind you could have an infestation problem all over again.
Things not to do would be dousing the bed bugs with chemicals and then lighting them on fire. A few times a year we see news reports where someone has resorted to this as a tactic. Often they are only successful at burning down their residence and sometimes killing themselves.
3. Inspect you living space again, and again. Part of our successful program to getting rid of bed bugs is return inspections. You need to monitor your space and keep inspecting for bed bugs. Hopefully, the problem has been dealt with to an extent that less evasive treatments can be used to kill off any remaining bed bugs. If you have contracted with a reputable pest control company that works with bed bugs thenย they should already have a plan for return inspection visits.
We hope that you find inย this little article that killing bed bugs is no simple work and almost always requires professional treatment. We also want to note that it is best to contact a professional to verify the presence of bed bugs and consult on treatment options before taking any steps, because there are many methods people often try that end up making the infestation worse. This is why we encourage taking on precautionary measures when you travel and head off to school (or camp) in order to prevent bed bugs from coming into your home in first place. Not having bed bugs in the first place is the best way to kill them.
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How to Kill Bed Bugs in Sevierville TN
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