Why Do Spiders Come Inside in the Fall?

Black widows are one of two dangerous spiders in Sevierville TN - Johnson Pest ControlHave you noticed more and more spiders in your home recently? As summer comes to an end and the fall begins, spiders are more likely to be inside your property. Spiders typically hatch in the springtime. By the time autumn arrives, they can seem like they are in full force. These eight-legged creatures are drawn inside homes here in Sevierville TN in search of food, water, and shelter. Thankfully, most spiders you encounter in your home are harmless. That said, there are a couple spiders to keep an eye out for this fall. Keep reading for expert insight from the experts at Johnson Pest Control.

Black Widow vs Brown Recluse Infographic - Johnson Pest Control in Eastern TennesseePreventing Fall Spiders

No one wants to look up and see a spider crawling across their ceiling. To make your home less inhabitable to spiders, try out the following tips:

  1. Keep your lawn and yard trimmed. Overgrown bushes, shrubs, piles of wood, and more can attract spiders to your property and eventually indoors.
  2. Clean your home on a regular basis. Doing so can prevent insects that spiders like to prey on and eliminate hiding spots for pests.
  3. Seal any cracks and crevices. Inspect the inside and outside of your property for tiny spots that may be inviting spiders in, and seal properly.
  4. Install or repair screens on doors and windows. Holes or crevices in screens will easily invite spiders (and other pests) inside.
  5. Inspect boxes and used furniture prior to bringing them inside. Adult spiders or egg sacs could be nestled in old unopened boxes.

Are There Dangerous Spiders in the Fall?

The black widow and brown recluse spiders are dangerous any time of year, but are often seeing in or around your home in the late summer/early fall. Because these spiders can administer a dangerous bite when they are threatened, itโ€™s important to learn how to identify them:

  • Brown recluse spiders: These spiders have a darker brown violin-shaped mark on their brown bodies. They build loose, dome-shaped webs for shelter. A brown recluse bite is known to be very painful.
  • Black widow: These spiders have a characteristic red hourglass shape on its body. They build sticky, tangled cobwebs in garages, sheds, and near the ground. They can bite when they feel threatened.

When to Get Spider Control

Seeing a few house spiders here and there is perfectly normal, especially this time of year. So how do you know when itโ€™s time for a spider exterminator? If you are noticing excess webs, spiders, or dangerous spiders in your home, the experts at Johnson are here to help.

Tennessee Poison Center Offers Tips for Preventing and Treating Black Widow and Brown Recluse Spider Bites

(Newswise) โ€” Most spiders are non-venomous and most spider bites are harmless. They may cause some local redness and pain, but can usually be managed at home by washing, applying ice and keeping the area clean.

But poisonous spiders thrive in many temperate areas of the United States, and knowing how to identify them and treat venomous spider bites is essential, said Suparna Kumar, M.D., a certified specialist in poison information at the Tennessee Poison Control Center at Vanderbilt University Medical Center.

Black Widow Spider | Pictures of Spidersโ€œThe two venomous spiders common to this area are the black widow and the brown recluse, and we have calls every year from people bitten by both of them,โ€ Kumar said.
In 2014, the Tennessee Poison Center received almost 300 calls regarding spider bites. More than half of these were about brown recluse spiders, and 40 calls were about black widow spiders.

โ€œMost patients bitten by these two spiders experience only minor local effects,โ€ Kumar said. โ€œA very small percentage of patients, particularly the very young or the elderly, may be at risk for a severe reaction to a venomous spider bite.โ€

Brown Recluse

Brown recluse spiders are native to Southern and Midwestern states. They are medium sized, may be light yellowish brown to dark brown in color, and are distinguished by the characteristic violin shaped mark on the back.

They seek out dark, warm, dry environments such as attics, closets, porches, barns, basements, woodpiles and old tires.

โ€œThe bite of a brown recluse may cause mild stinging or pain, and could worsen becoming painful and itchy in the next two-to-eight hours,โ€ Kumar said. โ€œThe bite site may be itchy and red, and is often followed by the development of an extremely painful area which is usually blue or purplish in color, surrounded by grayish ring, which is in turn surrounded by a red outer ringโ€”a typical โ€˜bulls eyeโ€™ pattern.โ€

Kumar said the recommended home treatment for a brown recluse bite is to wash the area with soap and water, apply ice, and get a tetanus booster if necessary. โ€œThe bites usually heal very well if they are kept dry and clean and left alone,โ€ she said.

But some people develop systemic reactions to a brown recluse bite. Twenty-four to 72 hours after a bite, the patient may develop a fever, rash and muscle pain, and the toxin from the bite may be causing hemolysis, or destruction of blood cells.

โ€œIf systemic symptoms are noted, the patient will need to have his or her urine tested for the presence of hemoglobin or blood. If the urine test is positive for blood and/or the patient has signs of rash and fever, the patient should be admitted and observed for hemolysis,โ€ Kumar said. โ€œThis is especially important in children under 12 years of age, as toxin induced hemolysis can occur very rapidly.โ€

The Black Widow

The Black widow spider is glossy black in color, and identifiable by a reddish or orange colored hourglass marking on the abdomen. They are usually found in dark areas such as crawl spaces, inside boxes, water meter compartments and piles of firewood.

โ€œPeople who are bitten by a black widow may not even realize it at first,โ€ Kumar said. โ€œThe bite feels like a pinprick, and often there is minimal local reactionโ€”maybe a little bit of pain or redness at the site, which usually goes away quickly.โ€

If those effects are all that occur, the bite can be managed by washing the area with soap and water, applying ice, and, if needed, getting a tetanus booster.

However, some black widow bites have much more severe systemic effects. These effects may start two to four hours after the bite, and can include headache, nausea, vomiting, changes in heart rate and blood pressure, painful muscle cramping, muscle twitching in the affected extremity, and even board-like rigidity.
โ€œIf any of these symptoms are noted, the patient will need to be monitored at a hospital, and treated with muscle relaxers, narcotics or benzodiazepines,โ€ Kumar said.

Fortunately, most spider bite patients recovers completely, but knowing how to avoid and treat such bites is critical, especially in those who encounter attics, crawlspaces and other areas where spiders live.

Pictures of Spiders

Last week we highlighted ways to identify the brown recluse spider (Brown Recluse Pictures). This week we thought we’d more pictures of spiders so that you can help friends properly identify the spiders when they post pictures onto their Facebook pages.

Wolf spider in a spider web with insects stuck in the web - keep spiders away from your home with Johnson Pest Control in TNThis is a Wolf Spider. It is generally thicker in the body than other spiders you are going to find around the home. The Wolf Spider is harmless to humans, but can be a real problem if you try and kill one that has a few hundred baby spiders on it’s back. Unless these are sitting on your favorite chair it is suggested to let them be.
Cellar Spider and Coin

This is Cellar Spider. Harmless to humans you will likely find these, well, in the cellar or crawl space of the house. They are small in size and can be found in bunches.

Black Widow Spider | Pictures of Spiders Black Widow Spider | Pictures of Spiders

The Black Widow Spider is one of the three poisonous spiders we have in the United States. The Brown Recluse is one of the other ones which we have in the state of Tennessee. The Black Widow generally is a loaner, so if you find one it is unlikely you will be finding others. They will not attack you unless they are provoked or intruded on. If they do bite you then you will want to seek medical attention. The Black Widow is very distinct with its dark black color and hour glass shaped red markings on their backsides. If you can confidently get rid of a Black Widow, without risking getting bit then feel free to do so. Otherwise consult a pest professional.House Spider | Pictures of Spider

House Spider | Pictures of Spider

The House Spider is a spider that you would find, well, in the house. Nothing that fancy about the House Spider. They will be setting up shop and hunting around your house to catch some food to eat. Humans, however, are far from the house spiders menu. They can freak you out, and your kids, but they are harmless.

Orb weaver spider in a web - Keep spiders away from your home with Johnson Pest Control in Sevierville TNThe Orb Spider (there are many versions of the Orb Spider) come in lots of different colors and patterns. Generally harmless to humans you will likely find the Orb Spider outside in the garden. You could fall victim to walking through one of their spider webs as you move through some bushes while doing your weekly gardening activities. Orb Spiders are overall helpful to the outside of your house as they feed on a number of the bugs that you would rather not have to fly around your head.

So there are some pictures of spiders that you will find in and around your home this season. If you see a huge amount of any spider then you will want to call for a consultation and some services. Having a spider here is perfectly normal, having a few hundred, well, that is just downright scary.