Brown Recluse Pictures

The Brown Recluse is one of a few spiders in the United States that is poisonous. It is also a spider that is readily found in Tennessee. One of the other poisonous spiders that can be found in Tennessee is the Black Widow. The Black Widow spider has a really distinct look to it which makes that spider easy to identify. The Brown Recluse, however, can be difficult to identify even if you know what you are looking for.

Here are a series brown recluse pictures to help you know whether or not the spider you are seeing around your home is a brown recluse.

Brown Recluse Pictures

A brown recluse spider against a white background - keep spiders away from your home with Johnson Pest Control in TN

A brown recluse camouflaged on a bed of sticks - keep spiders away from your home with Johnson Pest Control in TN

Brown Recluse Pictures | Johnson Pest Control
This is a great shot of the Violin marking on the brown recluse that is a primary identifier
Brown Recluse Pictures | Johnson Pest Control
Brown Recluse spider isolated on a white background crawling