Suburban home with well manicured lawn and trimmed bushes - keep pests away from your home with Johnson Pest Control in TNHuffington Post ran a short article the other day on the “7 Things You Might Not Know Could Destroy Your Home“. Certainly natural disasters, fire, etc. can damage your home, we know those. But they bring up a few things that people might dismiss when considering protecting their home.


Why It’s A Threat: A variety of pests can wreak serious havoc on your home. In a small space like an attic, creatures like wasps or bats can build nests and destroy wiring or framing.

How To Protect Your Home: Secure crawlspaces and vents with hardware cloth or welded-wire fabric can keep away these bugaboos.


Why It’s a Threat: It sounds like something out of a movie, but a colony of termites can cause serious damage, destroying a home’s structural support by eating away at wood, flooring or wallpaper. The National Pest Management Association estimates that termites cause $5 billion worth of damages in homes across the U.S. each year.

How To Protect Your Home: To be absolutely certain that you are termite-free, contact us to schedule a free termite inspection of  your home.

Other things that risk doing damage to your home include hailstorms, aging sewer systems, yard hazards, lightning storms, and undetected leaks.

Home ownership is a lot of work. It is a lot of work to feel like your investment is protected completely. This way your home can continue to protect you and your family. We can help take one set of decisions and worry off of your plate protecting your home against pests, bugs, and termites. If you have questions or concerns you wish to talk through or need help inspecting then give us a call.

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