As the Holidays approach and you start to bring in boxed up decorations and freshly cut Christmas trees, this creates the opportunity for pest to come into your home. Ants and spiders can easily hide in the branches of trees and crevices of firewood, while mice can chew through cardboard boxes of decorations that have been stored away since last season. Not only are these pest a nuisance but they can also be a health hazard to you and your family. To avoid a pest infestation when decorating for the holidays follow these steps:

  • Inspect live, fresh cut evergreen trees, wreathes and garlands for spiders, insect nests or eggs before purchasing. Shake greenery outdoors to remove any pests before bringing them inside.
  • Unpack decorations outdoors so pests aren’t released into the home. Repack decorations in durable, sealed containers that pests can’t chew through.
  • Store firewood at least 20 feet from the home on a raised structure, such as concrete blocks or poles.

If you expect a pest infestation in your home, contact Johnson Pest Control to inspect, identify and treat the problem.

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