With the arrival of autumn comes the annual invasion of brown marmorated stink bugs as they seek winter refuge inside homes and businesses. Stink bugs often enter structures in larger numbers, making them a difficult pest to control once inside.
Stink bugs get their name from their habit of secreting a bad-smelling fluid when disturbed or crushed. They are not known to bite humans but caution should be used when handling them to avoid a release of their odor. Many species are attracted to lights at night. Stink bugs are not known to bite humans but caution should be used when handling them to avoid a release of their odor.
Entomologists with the National Pest Management Association (NPMA) are expecting higher populations of the brown marmorated stink bug this autumn than last year. As a result, the NPMA is recommending that homeowners take steps now to pest-proof their homes against this stinky pest.
• Seal and caulk cracks around windows, doors, siding, utility pipes, behind chimneys and underneath the wood fascia and other openings.
• Repair or replace damaged screens on windows or doors.
• Keep outdoor lighting to a minimum as stink bugs are attracted to lights.
• If stink bugs have already entered a home, use a vacuum cleaner for their removal and dispose of the bag immediately to prevent odor from permeating the area.
• If an infestation develops, a licensed pest professional should be contacted to evaluate and assess the severity problem.
Homes can be pre-treated for stink bugs before they become a problem. But, if you suspect an infestation has already developed or for more information on prevention, contact Johnson Pest Control at 865-453-7587.
Record Number of Stink Bugs Expected This Fall in Sevierville TN
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