Spring into a Pest-Free Home!

Spring is almost here. The warm weather brings blue skies, longer days, and – unfortunately – plenty of pests. Thatโ€™s why now is the time to look around your home and yard and think about the measuresa gloved hand holding a basket of cleaning supplies and precautions you can take to be pest-free. Typical springtime pests that would be unwelcome guests are ants, spiders, wasps, crickets, beetles, mites, and bees. So how can you keep them from invading your space?ย 

The following is a list of things to do, not only for spring cleaning, but at any point in the year.

Clean and Inspect Kitchenย 

Anywhere there is food or water you are likely to attract various pests. They could hibernate in colder seasons under your sink or in your cabinets.ย 

Some preventative inspection can be done that includes:ย 

  • Keep food stored in tightly sealed containers or refrigerators. Clean floors and countertops of food debris on an ongoing basis.
  • Seal holes under or around cabinets, and other potential entry points
  • Check pipes for leaks.ย 

Clean Pantryย 

Did you stock up on flour, sugar or cake mixes for the holiday season? Check the expiration date and consider transferring dry goods to airtight, sealed containers of plastic, metal or glass. This can help keep pests at bay.ย 

Dry goods can harbor insects from the grocery store, so always check packages for tears or holes before bringing home.ย 

Declutter Closetsย 

Warmer weather means you no longer have a use for the heavy coats and thick sweaters of the previous season. Take advantage of this opportunity, and this is a great time to declutter. When your closet is overstuffed, it can attract pests like spiders who are looking for a home. Instead of providing shelter for insects in your closet, provide comfort to families in need by donating clothes you either donโ€™t like, or donโ€™t fit in anymore.

Once decluttering you can get in there and vacuum all the dark corners and get rid of any hiding pests.

Declutter and Clean Atticย 

Mice like to make their nests in warm and dry places, like the average attic in East Tennessee. The best way to prevent this is to seal any holes leading to outside. Itโ€™s important to be thorough in your efforts, as mice can enter through a hole the size of a dime.ย 

Once again you can take this opportunity to donate what you donโ€™t use, and keep the rest stored in sealed crates as opposed to cardboard boxes. When you do this itโ€™ll not only eliminate clutter, but it’ll keep your stored items pest-free as well.

Examine Your Homes Exteriorย 

Any opening along the exterior of your home can be a potential entry point for pests. This includes cracks and holes in your foundation or siding, as well as any faults around the frame of your windows. Even a seemingly insignificant hole can be big enough to invite ants, the main spring and summertime pest in East Tennessee, so keeping your exterior sealed cannot be stressed enough.ย 

The most proactive thing you can do to prevent infestations in the home is to eliminate the causes that are attracting them to begin with. But what attracts insects and other pests to the home?

Dark cluttered places are near-ideal hiding places for spiders, ants, cockroaches and rodents. So by minimizing clutter, you can discourage pests from taking up residence by taking away their hideouts.ย 

Another method you can do is to keep your home clear of any standing water. This includes pools and lakes, as well as birdbaths and even overturned buckets. Remember, all it takes for mosquitoes to breed is a body of water the size of a small puddle.ย 

Trim Shrubs and Cut Back Treesย 

Anything touching the ground and the exterior of your property could be used as bridges to gain access to your house. So make sure to keep shrubs trimmed and trees cut back. Keep your lawn mowed and weeds down. And make sure not to let piles of yard trimmings or brush accumulate, as these both easily become a perfect place for pests to hide.ย 

Trash Cansย 

Make sure your trash can lids are tight fitting and using trash bags adds an extra layer of pest prevention and control.

Remove Firewood away from your homeย 

Stacks of firewood provides food and shelter for a variety of pests in spring and summer. Thatโ€™s why we suggest keeping your firewood positioned above the ground and at least 30 feet away from the exterior of your home. Only take what you plan on burning at once, and make sure not to spread pesticides on any kindling you aim to throw into a fire.ย 

Johnson Pest Control for Springtime Pest Control

There is no shortage of tips on how to prevent pests in East Tennessee. But whether youโ€™re a home or business owner, you deserve service thatโ€™ll cover you through rain or shine. No matter the season, you can trust that the team at Johnson Pest Control can handle your pest control needs. From ants on the counter to a bees nest in the eaves, we have over 41 years of experience in keeping the streets of our city pest free. Want to know more? Contact us today!

The Link Between Seasonal Allergies and Pests

Cockroaches can trigger seasonal allergies in Sevierville TN - Johnson Pest ControlSpringtime means blooming trees, nice weather, and the desire to spend more time outdoors. Unfortunately, in doing so, seasonal allergies are bound to become a problem for you or someone you love. This time of year in the Sevierville TN area, residents are dealing with runny noses, itchy eyes, and more. But is it just seasonal allergies, or is there more to it? Believe it or not, pest problems can be a contributing factor to your allergy and asthma symptoms. With May being National Allergy and Asthma Awareness Month, the team here at Johnson Pest Control wants to spread the word about the dangers of pest allergens. Allergies can be triggered by a number of typical household pests, making it important to know what you need to do to keep pests out in the first place! Keep reading for our best tips on preventing pests and pest allergens in your home.

Pest Allergens in Tennessee

A pest infestation can lead to many types of problems: structural damage, bacteria, messes, etc. Certain types of pests, such as cockroaches and dust mites, can also create pest allergens. If you are dealing with either of these pests, you may notice an onset of allergy symptoms. Roach droppings, saliva, skin, and more contain allergy proteins that are proven to trigger symptoms and even asthma, especially in children. Other pests tied to allergies include stinging insectsโ€“yellow jackets, fire ants, wasps, and more. Stings can trigger a wide range of reactions in people, from itching and hives to more serious symptoms.

**Immediately seek medical attention should you experience severe symptoms of an allergic reaction, such as swelling, wheezing, dizziness, or difficulty breathing.

How to Get Rid of Pest Allergens

To avoid dealing with pest allergens, it’s important to know how to prevent pests altogether! By knowing what to do to keep pests out, you can effectively reduce the chance of having your family members suffer from pest-triggered allergies. Our top tips to prevent pest allergens and the pests that cause them are:

  • Store food in sealed containers and clean kitchens on a daily basis.
  • Dispose of garbage regularly and use a tight-fitting lid.
  • Seal cracks and holes in homes, including entry points for utilities and pipes, screen doors, and windows.
  • Keep your basements and crawl spaces well-ventilated and dry!
  • Wash blankets, rugs, and bedding in hot water or get them dry-cleaned.
  • Vacuum and dust your property on a regular basis.
  • Keep pet food sealed in a tight container and wash food bowls.

Pest Prevention in the Spring

With the weather changing, pest problems are on the rise. Your seasonal allergies are already bad enough–don’t let a pest infestation make them even worse! If you need help preventing pests in your home, Johnson is here to help. In the spring and all year long, we are committed to keeping our customers safe from the many dangers of pests, including allergies.

Mosquito Prevention Tips and Tricks

Remove standing water from bird baths to help prevent mosquitoes in your Sevierville TN home - Johnson Pest ControlApril is National Pest Month, and the pest season is just beginning! In the months ahead here in the Sevierville area, pest problems are going to become more and more frequent. With the weather warming up, mosquitoes are a huge threat for homeowners. Thankfully, there are several things you can to lessen the risk of getting mosquitoes in your yard.

The mosquito control experts at Johnson Pest Control are sharing their top mosquito prevention tips in honor of National Pest Month–read on to learn more!

Top Mosquito Prevention Tips

Mosquitoes can be a big nuisance in the warmer months of year. But theyโ€™re much more than a nuisance–they can be dangerous, too! To protect you and your family from mosquitoes in the coming months, implement the following mosquito prevention tips into your home maintenance routine:

    1. Keep a tidy yard. Regularly maintain your garden and lawn to keep the grass short. Also trim back all plants and bushes to prevent mosquito resting spots
    2. Eliminate standing water. Dump out standing water in buckets, flower pots, bird baths, tarps, and more. Mosquitoes use standing water to breed!
    3. Install screens on your windows and doors. Doing this can save you the grief of getting mosquitoes inside every time you open a window or door.
    4. Add fish to your ponds and agitate the water. Certain types of fish will feed on mosquito larvae. Also consider placing an agitator, which will stop mosquitoes from laying eggs in the water.
    5. Get the air moving! Mosquitoes hate wind and are not strong fliers. Use fans to help force them away from your outdoor spaces and patios.

Preventing Mosquito Bites

One of the biggest concerns of mosquitoes is their bites, which can be dangerous. Whether youโ€™re camping or going to a nearby lake, itโ€™s important to do your best to prevent mosquitoes when outside. Some ways you can do this include:

      • Avoid going outdoors at dusk and dawn, which is when mosquitoes are most active.
      • Try to stay away from swampy areas or spots with standing water.
      • Wear light-colored, long-sleeved shirts and pants.
      • Following the manufacturerโ€™s instructions, apply an EPA-registered insect repellent.

Professional Mosquito Prevention

If you have done all you can to prevent mosquitoes in your yard but still notice them, itโ€™s time to call your professional mosquito exterminators. At Johnson, we understand how frustrating mosquitoes are and will work with you to develop a custom mosquito prevention plan. Give our team a call today!

Common Spring Pests to Be on the Lookout For

Prevent spring pests by spring cleaning your Sevierville TN home. Get tips from Johnson Pest Control! Spring is almost here in the Sevierville area, and many people are welcoming the warmer weather. Unfortunately, with the spring season comes the pest season. This time of year, many pests that may have been less active in the winter have a resurgence of sorts. To prevent the many types of pests that will likely look to invade your Tennessee home, itโ€™s important to implement some pest prevention measures into your spring cleaning routine! Read on for top tips from the experts at Johnson Pest Control.

Spring Pests in Tennessee

While many of the following pests are active all year long, they are particularly in action starting in the spring months. There are five pests in particular that create trouble for property owners every spring: ants, stinging insects (wasps and hornets), stink bugs, termites, and rodents! Spring is simply the start of the pest season and can last well into the summer if pest control isnโ€™t implemented right away. By safeguarding your property now, you can help lessen the risk of getting an infestation as pests become more and more active.

5 Spring Cleaning Tips for Pest Prevention

With so many people planning to clean their home for springtime anyway, itโ€™s the perfect opportunity to implement pest control measures. For the best chance of making your home unsavory for pests, try the following tips:

  1. Tidy up! Clean under furniture, wipe down surfaces, and inspect areas of your home that need some fixing up.
  2. Clean your windows and doors thoroughly. If you find any cracks or crevices make sure to securely seal them.
  3. Deep-clean your carpets and rugs. Vacuum, shampoo, or even steam-clean the surface.
  4. Sanitize and clean your kitchen with a focus on your appliances. Crumbs and spilled liquids welcome all types of insects and pests.
  5. Remove debris from your yard, and trim any shrubs or tree branches away from your home. Clear out your gutters and downspouts.

You Have Pests in the Springโ€”Now What?

Sometimes pests are inevitable, especially this time of year. For your best chance at controlling active infestations and preventing future ones, the exterminators at Johnson can help. Our team will work with you to develop a custom pest control plan suited to the needs of your property.

How to Differentiate Between Termites & Carpenter Ants

Carpenter ants are commonly mistaken for termites in Sevierville TN - Learn the differences from Johnson Pest Control.With spring upon us here in Sevierville TN, swarming insect season is coming! The most dangerous insects to be wary of this time of year are termites and carpenter ants. These two wood-destroying insects are commonly mistaken for each other in the swarmer stages of their lives. Although they are similar in appearance and habits, there are a few key differences to be aware of. Read on for tips from the experts at Johnson Pest Control for how to tell the difference between these insects.

How to Tell the Difference Between Termites & Carpenter Ants

It can be difficult to tell apart termites and carpenter ants in the swarmer stage. Itโ€™s important to look at the size of their wings in proportion to their bodies:

  1. Carpenter ant swarmers: These are black in color, with some species having slightly red coloring. Carpenter ants measure 1/2โ€ณโ€“5/8โ€ณ with antenna bent at a 45-degree angle. Their wings are translucent with a reddish brown hue, laying over the posterior of the ant. Carpenter ant swarmers are bigger than termite swarmers!
  2. Termite swarmers: Usually, termite swarmers are black to brown in color and measure 3/8โ€ณ long including the wings. Their wings are a translucent to slightly milky or smoky color. Their wings may overlap, and are typically as long as or slightly longer than the body; this is the best way to differentiate them from carpenter ants.

Winged ant vs. termite in Sevierville TN - Johnson Pest Control

Termite Damage vs. Carpenter Ant Damage

Termites typically cause more damage than carpenter ants. Some of the things to know about these wood-destroying insects include:

  • Termites make their way into a structure around basement windows, doorways, under siding, porches, or any structure in contact with the soil.
  • Established termite colonies can range from 60,000 to over a million workers and can consume nearly 5 grams of wood per day.
  • Carpenter ants establish nests in wood that is already in decay, and later expand into normal wood, insulation, or wall voids.
  • Excavated termite galleries appear to have been sanded. For the most part, carpenter ants do not create the extensive damage termites do.ย 

Wood-Destroying Insect Extermination

Without a doubt, wood-destroying insects cause a lot of damage for property owners. However, termites can cause much more damage in the same period of time as carpenter ants. Regardless, itโ€™s important to enlist professional help for either of these insects. At Johnson, our termite exterminators will conduct a thorough inspection on your property to determine whether youโ€™re dealing with carpenter ants or termites. From there, we will work to exterminate these wood-boring insects with the most effective, fast-acting treatments!

Termite Proofing Your Home this Spring

Termite Proofing Your Home from Swarm of Winged Termites | Johnson Pest Control ExterminatorsSpring sure feels like it is here, which means spring cleaning projects for you and us over the next few weeks. We want to encourage you ย to also consider pest-proofing in and around the home.

Spring is the season when people begin to notice an increase in pests populations like ants, termites, flies and stinging insects. The best way to minimize the chance of an infestation for termites is prevention. Adding a few quick and easy tasks to the spring cleaning to-do list can go a long way in keeping pests out of the home.

Termite Proofing Tips

Experts at the National Pest Management Association (NPMA) recommend the following steps to avoid an infestation this spring and summer:

  • Seal cracks and holes along the foundation of the home including entry points for utilities and pipes.
  • Screen windows and doors.
  • Eliminate sources of moisture or standing water around the house, including birdbaths and in cloggedย gutters.
  • Keep tree branches and other plants cut back from the house.
  • Store firewood at least 20 feet from the home on a raised structure such as concrete blocks or poles.
  • Inspect the outside of a home for nests built by stinging insects, which are typically foundย in the eaves under roofs.
  • Keep kitchens clean by wiping down counters and other food surfaces after meal prep.
  • Take out the trash frequently and store it in a sealed receptacle outdoors.
  • Avoid leaving petsโ€™ food dishes out for long periods of time.

As the saying goes, an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. These prevention tips will not guarantee termites do not find their way into your home. These prevention tips are simple practices and cheap on the wallet and will go a long way in helping to keep termites, which cost a lot to get rid of and fix their damage, away from your home.

If you suspect you have an infestation, contact us to identify the species and recommend a course of treatment.ย